

You waddled and flapped all the way to the Surrounded By Penguins nesting grounds! N-ice. Welcome to our colony.

Surrounded By Penguins™, is a wildlife-conscious company dedicated to connecting humans and the natural environment through everyday eco-conscious products. On these products, we feature designs made from images of birds we observe in the wild. Mainly penguins. 😁 🐧

We believe that with intentional production comes responsible consumption. Because of this, we utilize waste reducing online and print on demand practices to make what we create.

At Surrounded By Penguins we feel that seeing wildlife in their natural environment evokes emotions that rekindle our connection to nature. Sometimes the distance between people and nature creates a disconnect that is damaging to both humans and wildlife. That’s why we utilize everyday products for our designs. We hope that with more exposure, people will remember that they too are a part of nature. These reminders compel us to do good for ourselves, wildlife, and our shared environment. Thank you for supporting our endeavors.

In addition to photographing wildlife and designing eco-conscious products, we create worldwide challenges and events that aim to help wildlife and our environment.

Participate in our ongoing worldwide “2 for Tuesday” event anywhere you are, any and every Tuesday you can! All you got to do is pick up 2 pieces of litter and dispose of them appropriately. That’s it! We challenge participants to do this every Tuesday because a little help does a penguin good. A lot of people doing a little good has a greater impact on the environment than one person doing a lot. So spread the word and challenge others!
See our Events page for more upcoming SBP events!

To learn more about our eco-conscious practices and beliefs, please read our About section. There you can also discover more About Surrounded By Penguins hopes and dreams, what else we do for the environment. If you want to know about what we’re up to, check out our Blog or Social Media pages.

Surrounded By Penguins will continue to operate with wildlife in mind. Regardless of profit margins, we will continually contribute to championing for wildlife. We will host events, volunteer, donate, and participate as usual but your contribution helps extend that impact. Help us help contribute to more wildlife by purchasing our products or by Being A Hero. After all, a little help does a penguin good.

Squawks a lot for stopping by Surrounded By Penguins we hope you enjoy waddling around our colony.

The combined efforts of you and Surrounded By Penguins helps to amplify doing good for the environment and wildlife. Yay to forming a human and wildlife creche!

With Appreciation,

Surrounded By Penguins