Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin
This live video is pinned to our Instagram for now, but I wanted to put it in here too as it was a rare experience at Sea World San Diego. We also haven’t figured out a way to put it on our YouTube. Hopefully we’ll figure it out soon.
This was Bluie’s first time to Sea World and although they came from an Aquarium, Sea World was different. These were different penguins from the little blues Bluie was used to seeing too. Justin rarely gets to spend time with the penguins as a Curator. It’s awesome that despite that he was open to answering questions. We rarely can think of any when someone is actually around to answer questions. I sometimes think of questions when an expert isn’t around, but not often. Just like Bluie, we’re usually just star struck when we see penguins. But don’t worry, a few people asked many questions. Hopefully some of your questions about Magellanic Penguins are answer in this video. Feel free to ask here too!
Friday July 29, 2022 @ SeaWorld San Diego. Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin.
Yellow Eyed Penguins Live! They’re on the cam RN @ 2110 PST! Penguin Rescue NZ
It’s so early for them right now, but they’re there! Yaaay! I haven’t seen them in so long!
Glow in the Park Penguins?…

Recently we traveled to the Palm Springs area in California on a mission to assist Executive Photographer (and Co Owner of Surrounded By Penguins), Scarlett, with her Birb Biologist job. I love when this opportunity comes up because I feel like I’m a helpful assistant to wildlife caring people. We also are directly helping with research as we are collecting generic samples of the birds we catch. A few choice penguins and I are always happy to tag along and help with these endeavors.
As usual, I tagged on other ventures for Surrounded By Penguins while up there. In the interest of wanting to provide excursions and tours to surrounding wildlife conservation areas to include zoo’s, aquariums, and the like we decided to include attending a special event at the Palm Desert Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Garden. We obtained 3 genetic samples of wild birds that have established territories at the zoo. It’s pretty amazing that this zoo provides sanctuary knowingly and passively to endangered wildlife. The habitat maintained at many zoo’s actually provide the surrounding wildlife with a sanctuary. You’ll see deer at the Safari Park in San Diego for example along with both local and migratory birds and other wildlife. What animals have you seen in zoo’s that cohabitate with the zoo animals?

Since we were collecting genetic samples we got to visit the Living Desert Zoo before opening. During the day we got to see these amazing lanterns already set up for the Glow in the Park event. We could only imagine what they looked like at night.
We wouldn’t get our chance to see the lanterns lit until the the events closing night. The unobstructed colorful views during the day became much more appreciated as we found ourselves shoulder to shoulder much of the time at night. But wow wow wow were the lanterns amazing. Day or night the creative detailed figures were impressive. We were blown away by the correctly coordinated colors, fabric designs, accurate proportions to scale, and many of the lantern animals moved! Not one person in the collective mob was unimpressed and many people were still interested in seeing the actual animals that were not lanterns too. To give respect to the animals, the lights were strategically placed and some areas were off limits.
Maybe some animals that are nocturnal were visible? These naked mole rats are blind so do they know when it’s day or night? Without the ability to see, how else can we gauge if it’s day time or night time?

Although it was difficult, I took many many many pictures and will share some below.

During the event, Afie, Syd and I decided that from now on only one of them would be on my shoulder while in public. Both of them at the same time proved to be way too much to worry about. The ippies (Mippy, Sippy and Zippy) are definitely the most readily and photogenic of the ambassadors. Syd and Afie seem to enjoy seeing the ongoings from our shoulders and agree to being in selfies occasionally. Most times they are like the family pictures with the one kid that looks hilariously awkward on purpose.
As usual, we all still had a great time. Enjoy!

Happy World Penguin Day 2022!
We celebrated at the San Diego Zoo with the African Penguins last month on April 25th! What did you do to celebrate the penguins all around the world?

Ahhhhhh TooToo looks like hys getting attacked by an octopus arm!

We even went live on Facebook and Instagram! Find the videos on our Instagram! On Instagram Connorbalts4 and pico_space_adventures joined us! We all had a great visit! Thank you both for joining!

Special Explorer Zoo Trip!
Some of the SBP’s pengie’s, Amy, and I recently visited the San Diego Zoo to check out the new explorer area. What a great time! I got so distracted by all the neat new exhibits and attractions that we ran out of time to see the African Penguins. Can you believe that?! Anyways… Here’s some of what you could expect to see on your visit.

TooToo our stuffy plushy Gentoo takes flight!
A few of the Surrounded By Penguins rode the sea jelly swing ride at SeaWorld San Diego yesterday. Some pengie fwens just watched because they didn’t want to ride or were too nervous to ride. Some were even too anxious to watch. All okay feelings.

In the video, TooToo really takes to flight 1 minute into it. I didn’t know what to do but hang on and keep filming!
You can’t see the other stuffy plushy fwens in the video but off screen Syd was squawking in fear and excitement the whole time, excited to be flying but scared because we were so high up. During the ride, Mr Bigalow was bouncing around on hys chain. And Sippy was holding on for dear life in their holster. It was so cute to see all of them so excited and happy. TooToo, Syd, Sippy, Mr Bigalow and I were so proud to had braved the ride. At the end we could say we all enjoyed the experience. All the anxious feelings leading up to the moment the ride started were worth experiencing. The ride ended with us wanting to ride again. Good thing we recorded TooToo flying so we can relive the experience when we watch it because I just realized…. Our Penguin Ambassador Fwens were definitely not tall enough to ride the ride! Whooooa! Maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t try to ride it again. 😅🐧🎢
#penguins #penguin #penguinlove #penguinlover #penguinfan #cutepenguin #cutepenguins #pengui #pengie #pengies #stuffies #plushie #plushy #stuffedanimals #flyingpenguin #plushiepenguin #tootootheplushypenguin
#rides #swings
SeaWorld San Diego Emperor Penguin News featuring 2022 SeaWorld Pass Members Collector Cup Emperor Penguin Edition
I didn’t get to make it to the Emperor Rollercoaster grand opening last Saturday. Work needed us to help out a coworker and apparently we were the only ones that could cover the shift. Although it was really for a good reason, the grand opening to the Emperor Penguin ride looked so cool! Even the Mayor Todd Gloria was there! That was surprising to see!
Sooo we haven’t ridden the ride yet. Buuuut we did score a Emperor Penguin collector cup last time we were at SeaWorld! So not only did we adopt a baby Emperor penguin, but also this cup!

Check it out. It looks pretty good with Sid and EP’s Surrounded By Penguins hat.
How do you think we should spell the Emperor Penguin Chicks name?… Sid or Syd?… Syd or Sid?
Music: Turn Up The Watts
Musician: Jason Shaw
Here’s the Point Of View video of the Emperor Penguin ride! Although none of our penguins are tall enough to ride it, aside from EP. We still can’t wait!
#penguins #penguin #penguinsinstagram #penguinsofinstagram #penguinlove #penguinlover #penguinchicks #cutepenguin #cutepenguins #pengui #pengie #pengies #emperorpenguins #penguinadventures #seaworldmembercollectorcup #seaworldmembercollectorglass #penguinmerch #penguingifts #collectorcups #collections #seaworld #seaworldpassmembers #emperorpenguinchick #penguinplushies #penguinstuffies #penguinhat #surroundedbypenguins
New Hatchlings!
The Surrounded By Penguins family just got a little bigger! We got 2 new hatchlings that joined the family the day of and the day after Penguin Awareness Day 2022! The first video features TooToo the Gentoo! The second features Afie!
Welcome to the clutch TooToo and Afie! We look forward to seeing all your adventures!
Trash Tuesdays Open to the Public!
Every Tuesday Surrounded By Penguins does a morning beach walk to pick up liter on a beach within the San Diego, California County. Near or far, wherever you are. We believe a little help does a penguin good.
So far these event have been private due to safety concerns. Recently, the Executive Penguin posted about picking up broken glass and tar on a beach in the area. Some of that post is as follows.
I’ve been hesitant to open #trashytuesdays to the public but I’m realizing no matter what it’ll never be as safe as we wish we could make it. There’s still some tar on the beaches, broken glass and other hazards, but all the more reason to continue… Starting next week, I’m gonna open up Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesdays Beach Clean Up in hopes that we remember, even amongst all the trash, we’re still surrounded by love and beauty.
Now remember that proceeds from sales at do go towards funding the beach clean ups so if you wanna help but can’t make it there are other ways you can assist.
1) Pick up a piece or 2 of liter every Trashy Tuesday
2) Contribute to Surrounded By Penguins by purchasing SBP merch
3) How else can you help the penguins near and far?
Comment below.
Be sure to post about your own liter picking for Trashy Tuesdays!
This Tuesday, Sippy with hys new vest will be helping with the beach clean up. We can’t wait to see what hys flippers find!
Please refer to the calendar below for specifics to Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesday and other events.