
Tag: amazing feats

You go penguin chicks!

PBS Nature brings to light how smart are the cutie little baby pengies!

I take for granted everything that penguin chicks have contend with and how intelligent the have to be to live. Sure they are altricial birds. But maybe one of the most capable and smartest altricial birds of all the species.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

After all they need to have the inherent brain skills to not only navigate but also to apply spacial awareness, voice recognition, vocal projection, and much much more. Not to mention the other physical skills they need to acquire just as quickly.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

Altricial- source for definition below from Oxford languages






  1. (of a young bird or other animal) hatched or born in an undeveloped state and requiring care and feeding by the parents.
    • (of a particular species) having altricial young.

TooToo our stuffy plushy Gentoo takes flight!

A few of the Surrounded By Penguins rode the sea jelly swing ride at SeaWorld San Diego yesterday. Some pengie fwens just watched because they didn’t want to ride or were too nervous to ride. Some were even too anxious to watch. All okay feelings.

TooToo and Syd giving each other quick hugs before the ride starts.
TooToo giving some attention and reassurance to the fwens in the clear backpack. Can you see Afie our African Penguin Ambassador in the clear backpack?
Sippy and Mr Bigalow before the ride.
TooToo sees Pickalowlow’s yellow foot and beak hanging out of the wheelchair basket. Pickalowlow must be covering and comforting some stuffy plushy fwens in the basket.

In the video, TooToo really takes to flight 1 minute into it. I didn’t know what to do but hang on and keep filming!

You can’t see the other stuffy plushy fwens in the video but off screen Syd was squawking in fear and excitement the whole time, excited to be flying but scared because we were so high up. During the ride, Mr Bigalow was bouncing around on hys chain. And Sippy was holding on for dear life in their holster. It was so cute to see all of them so excited and happy. TooToo, Syd, Sippy, Mr Bigalow and I were so proud to had braved the ride. At the end we could say we all enjoyed the experience. All the anxious feelings leading up to the moment the ride started were worth experiencing. The ride ended with us wanting to ride again. Good thing we recorded TooToo flying so we can relive the experience when we watch it because I just realized…. Our Penguin Ambassador Fwens were definitely not tall enough to ride the ride! Whooooa! Maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t try to ride it again. 😅🐧🎢

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#rides #swings

Athletic Penguin

Athletic penguin
byu/citrus-fiend inpenguin

Check out this amazing Penguin that’s got more hop than waddle! Did you expect that?!

I watched and thought “No way is that penguin going to go over the rail, surely this cutie will being going around as African Penguins have the attitude to do something clever like that. Maybe under? No! It’s in slow motion! The pengies gonna do it! Air penguin!”

Now I know that penguin’s can be taught a lot of tricks and I do believe that if it was not for them being aquatic birds, people would take them in as pets, but I really didn’t expect an African penguin to jump like that! Over a rail! The same kind of rails I used to grind on when I inline skated and skateboarded (yes, I did both).

Anyone know where this majestic athlete is housed? Just curious, you know, for a friend. Not for kidnapping purposes, I promise. ;oP