
Tag: Galapagos

Shoes, Backpacks, Youth Shirts and more!

Can you believe it?! We designed shoes! Never thought that would happen!

New Product Release!
The Executive Penguin has been hard at work making sooo many products with the Galapagos Penguin graphic! Everything from backpacks to shoes to bath towels and kids shirts! What do you think?!

I’m most impressed by the shoes. Shooooes! There so cute even though they’re all white! I think I might need me a pair or two.

Special Requests, Diversity, and Inclusivity

Here at Surrounded By Penguins we encourage people to take the opportunity to be part of the product creation process. We want to make products that you will love and cherish. So when aq31.12 on Instagram took the time to message us to suggest that we place the new Galapagos penguin design on a shirt that was a different style, how could we not oblige?

Now we wanted to place the design exactly where the original is placed. As of last night, this cannot be done unless we place it on a shirt that allows for wrap around printing. This drove up the cost of the shirt by over $20usd and put the shirt in the new materials category instead of using recycled materials. So we reached out the aq13.12 again and asked for input about the shirt you see featured here. To quote aq13.12 that hearted the image… “I think the middle looks great”. Approved! Awesome.

Thanks so much aq13.12 for the suggestion!

Have a suggestion? Please feel free to let us know what it is! No pressure! All suggestions that are not spam will be considered.

Waddling towards the unfamiliar…

Trying a new design technique for this particular Galapagos penguin shot. And a new shirt made from recycled material!

What do you all think?

Island fever

Surrounded By Penguins had a dinner meeting last night regarding future travel. We haven’t even put up the designs we have so far, but we already need more images for merchandise and other creations. I’ve heard this is typical. Right now, we’re waiting for some quality control samples to come in! It’s been a long time coming and yet, it seems like it’s all happening so fast. I’ve heard that before. I hear many lines in my head from people that have shared their experiences. Most of which are true. People aren’t kidding when they say, for about every 1,000 images 1 is useable. Good thing we had a past trip to Australia and New Zealand so we had some images already but not having “Surrounded By Penguins” in mind, even less than 1 image per 1,000 is usable. Lol. I could go on about all the truths but I’m already digressing.

Seeing this bookshelf while waiting to register my car made me home sick for the islands. Guess I should had registered a boat instead of a car. Lol.

What Surrounded By Penguins had a dinner meeting about last night was *drum roll please* the Galapagos Islands! Let’s hope it can happen this year come October! I am sooo in need of swimming with the penguins. I think some under water shots could make really cool looking merch.

Of course this place had no Galapagos Islands books.