
Tag: motivational

We’re on the News!


We were featured on the local news for LGBTQIA+ Pride month!

I kinda wish I said different things but I still think I did really well considering. Plus CBS8 did really good by us. Thanks CBS8! Especially Mario Escovado. Aly and Cheryl at SBDC too. I had the big sick at the time this was recorded. I’m proud that I pulled it together to do the interview. The night before I practiced a script, none of that is in the short clip but the whole process took all of me still. I tapped up exactly where the furniture, laptop, myself had to be placed for the shoot. After, I knew I over did it.


What I really love about penguins is that they’re unique. They’ve been around for around 60 million years and are designed like no other birds. They are an anomaly that doesn’t make sense yet they’ve been around thriving for a very long time. They’re easy to connect to in an emotional way because we can relate to them.

What I love is that they also mentioned the Birch Aquarium Little Blue Penguins too!

I love a lot about penguins, sure what I mentioned in the clip is true but especially fit LGBTQIA+ month I wish I pointed out that penguins definitely are the queer birds that keep things simple without much fluff. They definitely may be odd but they got all the right stuff.

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Athletic Penguin

Athletic penguin
byu/citrus-fiend inpenguin

Check out this amazing Penguin that’s got more hop than waddle! Did you expect that?!

I watched and thought “No way is that penguin going to go over the rail, surely this cutie will being going around as African Penguins have the attitude to do something clever like that. Maybe under? No! It’s in slow motion! The pengies gonna do it! Air penguin!”

Now I know that penguin’s can be taught a lot of tricks and I do believe that if it was not for them being aquatic birds, people would take them in as pets, but I really didn’t expect an African penguin to jump like that! Over a rail! The same kind of rails I used to grind on when I inline skated and skateboarded (yes, I did both).

Anyone know where this majestic athlete is housed? Just curious, you know, for a friend. Not for kidnapping purposes, I promise. ;oP