
Tag: pengui

Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin

This live video is pinned to our Instagram for now, but I wanted to put it in here too as it was a rare experience at Sea World San Diego. We also haven’t figured out a way to put it on our YouTube. Hopefully we’ll figure it out soon.

This was Bluie’s first time to Sea World and although they came from an Aquarium, Sea World was different. These were different penguins from the little blues Bluie was used to seeing too. Justin rarely gets to spend time with the penguins as a Curator. It’s awesome that despite that he was open to answering questions. We rarely can think of any when someone is actually around to answer questions. I sometimes think of questions when an expert isn’t around, but not often. Just like Bluie, we’re usually just star struck when we see penguins. But don’t worry, a few people asked many questions. Hopefully some of your questions about Magellanic Penguins are answer in this video. Feel free to ask here too!

Friday July 29, 2022 @ SeaWorld San Diego. Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin.


We’re on the News!


We were featured on the local news for LGBTQIA+ Pride month!

I kinda wish I said different things but I still think I did really well considering. Plus CBS8 did really good by us. Thanks CBS8! Especially Mario Escovado. Aly and Cheryl at SBDC too. I had the big sick at the time this was recorded. I’m proud that I pulled it together to do the interview. The night before I practiced a script, none of that is in the short clip but the whole process took all of me still. I tapped up exactly where the furniture, laptop, myself had to be placed for the shoot. After, I knew I over did it.


What I really love about penguins is that they’re unique. They’ve been around for around 60 million years and are designed like no other birds. They are an anomaly that doesn’t make sense yet they’ve been around thriving for a very long time. They’re easy to connect to in an emotional way because we can relate to them.

What I love is that they also mentioned the Birch Aquarium Little Blue Penguins too!

I love a lot about penguins, sure what I mentioned in the clip is true but especially fit LGBTQIA+ month I wish I pointed out that penguins definitely are the queer birds that keep things simple without much fluff. They definitely may be odd but they got all the right stuff.

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#shoptherapy #newproducts #penguingifts #penguinproducts #penguinfans #cutepenguins #giftsforpenguinlovers #giftideas #giftideasforpenguinlovers


Litter loving penguins?…

We don’t think so…

We’ve been to Omaru and have seen these penguins in real life….

This is why Surrounded By Penguins does Trashy Tuesday Beach Clean Ups.

In case you didn’t know Surrounded By Penguins does a Trashy Tuesdays Beach Clean Up that’s open to the public every Tuesday starting at 7am.  We pick up litter on various beaches and put it in its place.  We call this event Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesday Beach Clean Up.  Folx interested are invited to check our website calendar for where we’ll be next and join.  For those unable to join in person, we challenge people worldwide to pick up 2 pieces of litter every Tuesday wherever they are and dispose of the litter appropriately.  This we call the “2 for Trashy Tuesday Challenge”.  Its been proven that many doing a little has more of an impact than one person doing a lot so we encourage everyone to participate.
#penguins #penguin #penguinlove #penguinlover #cutepenguin #cutepenguins #pengie #pengies #beachpenguins #penguinsofinstagram #penguinshirt #dreamaccomplished #gratitude #thankyoueveryone #trashytuesdaybeachcleanup #trashytuesday #beachcleanup #ocean #beach #litter #putitinitsplace #recycle #gooddeeds #surroundedbypenguinstrashytuesdaybeachcleanup
#whoswithme #stuffies #alittlehelpdoesapenguingood

You go penguin chicks!

PBS Nature brings to light how smart are the cutie little baby pengies!

I take for granted everything that penguin chicks have contend with and how intelligent the have to be to live. Sure they are altricial birds. But maybe one of the most capable and smartest altricial birds of all the species.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

After all they need to have the inherent brain skills to not only navigate but also to apply spacial awareness, voice recognition, vocal projection, and much much more. Not to mention the other physical skills they need to acquire just as quickly.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

Altricial- source for definition below from Oxford languages






  1. (of a young bird or other animal) hatched or born in an undeveloped state and requiring care and feeding by the parents.
    • (of a particular species) having altricial young.

SeaWorld San Diego Emperor Penguin News featuring 2022 SeaWorld Pass Members Collector Cup Emperor Penguin Edition

I didn’t get to make it to the Emperor Rollercoaster grand opening last Saturday. Work needed us to help out a coworker and apparently we were the only ones that could cover the shift. Although it was really for a good reason, the grand opening to the Emperor Penguin ride looked so cool! Even the Mayor Todd Gloria was there! That was surprising to see!

Grand Opening

Sooo we haven’t ridden the ride yet. Buuuut we did score a Emperor Penguin collector cup last time we were at SeaWorld! So not only did we adopt a baby Emperor penguin, but also this cup!

Check it out. It looks pretty good with Sid and EP’s Surrounded By Penguins hat.

How do you think we should spell the Emperor Penguin Chicks name?… Sid or Syd?… Syd or Sid?

Music: Turn Up The Watts
Musician: Jason Shaw
URL: https://audionautix.com

Here’s the Point Of View video of the Emperor Penguin ride! Although none of our penguins are tall enough to ride it, aside from EP. We still can’t wait!

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