
Tag: penguins

Exciting New GP Picture Products!

We finally get to put up actual pictures that Scarlett took in the Galapagos on products!

There are so many reasons why putting up products with our actual pictures takes so long. I’m still new to editing and to be honest, I’m not sure which is more difficult for me, editing pictures or creating graphics from pictures.

So much needs to be done in efforts to protect work. There are many reasons for why you see graphics come out faster on our products compared to pictures. One of our main concerns is that animals, including penguins, get misnamed. Of course pictures are often stolen, meta data is changed, no credit is given, etc. But the worse is when someone puts a up picture of an African penguin that belongs to someone else and references it as an Emperor penguin, as an example. Or uses that picture to share Emperor Penguin facts. Of course most of you reading this know there’s differences amongst species but not everyone does so the wrong information paired with the wrong picture is misleading. This irks me.

When we went to the Galapagos the penguin merch was so sparse, I was ecstatic when I found anything penguin related. I bought a magnet that had a penguin on it and branding of a Galapagos national wildlife association. It even said Galapagos penguin on it. I bought it immediately and took it home. When I placed it on the fridge, I felt like a real doofus. It was a picture of an African penguin. Super upsetting.

There’s a lot to know about protecting art of every sort and pictures especially. Did you know it’s illegal to remove or crop out a watermark? Everything a person makes is automatically their property and copyrighted but getting the images copyright registered with the copyright office is what makes it possible for people to leverage their work in court when people or companies use a photo without permission.

After a ton of research and knowing about sad stories of stolen work, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be fully comfortable putting up a design or picture without it being on a product. I worry that’ll make us unpopular. Maybe I shouldn’t be worried? But better safe than sorry?

Anyways, thanks for your patience everyone! We hope you all love the new products! If you want to see them featured on any other products, please let us know!

Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin

This live video is pinned to our Instagram for now, but I wanted to put it in here too as it was a rare experience at Sea World San Diego. We also haven’t figured out a way to put it on our YouTube. Hopefully we’ll figure it out soon.

This was Bluie’s first time to Sea World and although they came from an Aquarium, Sea World was different. These were different penguins from the little blues Bluie was used to seeing too. Justin rarely gets to spend time with the penguins as a Curator. It’s awesome that despite that he was open to answering questions. We rarely can think of any when someone is actually around to answer questions. I sometimes think of questions when an expert isn’t around, but not often. Just like Bluie, we’re usually just star struck when we see penguins. But don’t worry, a few people asked many questions. Hopefully some of your questions about Magellanic Penguins are answer in this video. Feel free to ask here too!

Friday July 29, 2022 @ SeaWorld San Diego. Magellanic Penguins with Curator Justin.


Litter loving penguins?…

We don’t think so…

We’ve been to Omaru and have seen these penguins in real life….

This is why Surrounded By Penguins does Trashy Tuesday Beach Clean Ups.

In case you didn’t know Surrounded By Penguins does a Trashy Tuesdays Beach Clean Up that’s open to the public every Tuesday starting at 7am.  We pick up litter on various beaches and put it in its place.  We call this event Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesday Beach Clean Up.  Folx interested are invited to check our website calendar for where we’ll be next and join.  For those unable to join in person, we challenge people worldwide to pick up 2 pieces of litter every Tuesday wherever they are and dispose of the litter appropriately.  This we call the “2 for Trashy Tuesday Challenge”.  Its been proven that many doing a little has more of an impact than one person doing a lot so we encourage everyone to participate.
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#whoswithme #stuffies #alittlehelpdoesapenguingood

Happy World Penguin Day 2022!

We celebrated at the San Diego Zoo with the African Penguins last month on April 25th! What did you do to celebrate the penguins all around the world?

From left to right: TooToo, Executive Penguin, Afie, Zippy

Ahhhhhh TooToo looks like hys getting attacked by an octopus arm!

Afie with family
Anyone thirsty?
I was born here! Remember me?

We even went live on Facebook and Instagram! Find the videos on our Instagram! On Instagram Connorbalts4 and pico_space_adventures joined us! We all had a great visit! Thank you both for joining!

Special Explorer Zoo Trip!

Some of the SBP’s pengie’s, Amy, and I recently visited the San Diego Zoo to check out the new explorer area. What a great time! I got so distracted by all the neat new exhibits and attractions that we ran out of time to see the African Penguins. Can you believe that?! Anyways… Here’s some of what you could expect to see on your visit.

You go penguin chicks!

PBS Nature brings to light how smart are the cutie little baby pengies!

I take for granted everything that penguin chicks have contend with and how intelligent the have to be to live. Sure they are altricial birds. But maybe one of the most capable and smartest altricial birds of all the species.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

After all they need to have the inherent brain skills to not only navigate but also to apply spacial awareness, voice recognition, vocal projection, and much much more. Not to mention the other physical skills they need to acquire just as quickly.

So I say, you go penguin chicks!

Altricial- source for definition below from Oxford languages






  1. (of a young bird or other animal) hatched or born in an undeveloped state and requiring care and feeding by the parents.
    • (of a particular species) having altricial young.

African Penguin Release at De Hoop Nature Reserve

This is so cool! Co Executive Penguin of Surrounded By Penguins shared this awesome article with me about the long term efforts of a few organizations working together to attempt to establish a new colony of African Penguins that will be protected and closer to their preferred food.

BirdLife South Africa, Cape Nature, along with SANCCOB and other organizations are attempting to establish a African Penguin colony in De Hoop Natural Reserve. This reserve is actually closer to the penguins preferred food. Drive thru anyone? Actually that’s part of what the problem is. They treat the area like a driver thru and don’t colonize. Although they have attempted to in the past…



In 2003 African Penguins did attempt to establish a colony in the area, but predation forced the penguins to abandon the attempt. This time around, they will be protected from predators! With a fence and other tools to help keep predation down. The organization’s are implementing very smart tactics to promote the likelihood that penguins will once again attempt to roost in the area too. In this video they are releasing juvenile penguins in hopes that they will return to roost in the area when they are of breeding age.

The organization’s even made decoy penguins and set up speakers to play penguins calls. All to entice penguins to attempt colonizing in the Reserve. The decoys look so real!

This is an ongoing long project but we at Surrounded By Penguins are excited and hopeful. I have a feeling that it’ll work. These carefully coordinated efforts will be worth it, I’m sure. Thank you to everyone involved with this project. I admire your hard work and patience. Keep up the good work. Hurry back penguins! Squawk!

TooToo our stuffy plushy Gentoo takes flight!

A few of the Surrounded By Penguins rode the sea jelly swing ride at SeaWorld San Diego yesterday. Some pengie fwens just watched because they didn’t want to ride or were too nervous to ride. Some were even too anxious to watch. All okay feelings.

TooToo and Syd giving each other quick hugs before the ride starts.
TooToo giving some attention and reassurance to the fwens in the clear backpack. Can you see Afie our African Penguin Ambassador in the clear backpack?
Sippy and Mr Bigalow before the ride.
TooToo sees Pickalowlow’s yellow foot and beak hanging out of the wheelchair basket. Pickalowlow must be covering and comforting some stuffy plushy fwens in the basket.

In the video, TooToo really takes to flight 1 minute into it. I didn’t know what to do but hang on and keep filming!

You can’t see the other stuffy plushy fwens in the video but off screen Syd was squawking in fear and excitement the whole time, excited to be flying but scared because we were so high up. During the ride, Mr Bigalow was bouncing around on hys chain. And Sippy was holding on for dear life in their holster. It was so cute to see all of them so excited and happy. TooToo, Syd, Sippy, Mr Bigalow and I were so proud to had braved the ride. At the end we could say we all enjoyed the experience. All the anxious feelings leading up to the moment the ride started were worth experiencing. The ride ended with us wanting to ride again. Good thing we recorded TooToo flying so we can relive the experience when we watch it because I just realized…. Our Penguin Ambassador Fwens were definitely not tall enough to ride the ride! Whooooa! Maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t try to ride it again. 😅🐧🎢

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#rides #swings