
New Adventures, New Products. But First!

New Adventures, New Products. But First!

We just got back from Ecuador and it was amazing! We’re super excited to review and create new products from so many of the birbs we got to photograph, but first I needed to do some justice with the designs I’ve created from adventures we had before we created Surrounded By Penguins.

We wanted to make products that were affordable for as many people as possible. We want everyone to feel as if they are helping the birbs. So we made a postcard featuring once again our favorite Fiordland Crested Penguin couple! Problem is, shipping cost more than the post card itself! So it is more practical to add postcards (and stickers) as a bonus addition to your order. If you only want to purchase postcards I suggest buying a few. For every postcard added to orders, it brings totals up to only 5 cents per a postcard to ship (to the US). This makes getting a postcard more worth your while. When I order these, I’m going to buy several and send some out to a few lucky friends. When’s the last time you received a postcard?

Next up is our notebook! I’ve been needing a sketchbook journal! I love to practice my penguin cartoon art drawing during lunch but my current journal has been full for so long that I’ve been needing a new one. I think the couple on the cover of this notebook, along with a penguin asking me what’s on my mind can get me to write and draw without inhibition. The dotted pages will be new to me, but I’ve been wanting an excuse to try dotted pages to see if they work better for me. I don’t like lines getting in the way of drawings but I did want somewhat of a guide to help with drawing alignment and keeping sentences in appropriate rows.

Keep checking back for more of your soon to be favorite products!

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