Some of the SBP’s pengie’s, Amy, and I recently visited the San Diego Zoo to check out the new explorer area. What a great time! I got so distracted by all the neat new exhibits and attractions that we ran out of time to see the African Penguins. Can you believe that?! Anyways… Here’s some of what you could expect to see on your visit.
PBS Nature brings to light how smart are the cutie little baby pengies!
I take for granted everything that penguin chicks have contend with and how intelligent the have to be to live. Sure they are altricial birds. But maybe one of the most capable and smartest altricial birds of all the species.
So I say, you go penguin chicks!
After all they need to have the inherent brain skills to not only navigate but also to apply spacial awareness, voice recognition, vocal projection, and much much more. Not to mention the other physical skills they need to acquire just as quickly.
So I say, you go penguin chicks!
Altricial- source for definition below from Oxford languages
(of a young bird or other animal) hatched or born in an undeveloped state and requiring care and feeding by the parents.
A few of the Surrounded By Penguins rode the sea jelly swing ride at SeaWorld San Diego yesterday. Some pengie fwens just watched because they didn’t want to ride or were too nervous to ride. Some were even too anxious to watch. All okay feelings.
TooToo and Syd giving each other quick hugs before the ride starts. TooToo giving some attention and reassurance to the fwens in the clear backpack. Can you see Afie our African Penguin Ambassador in the clear backpack?Sippy and Mr Bigalow before the ride.TooToo sees Pickalowlow’s yellow foot and beak hanging out of the wheelchair basket. Pickalowlow must be covering and comforting some stuffy plushy fwens in the basket.
In the video, TooToo really takes to flight 1 minute into it. I didn’t know what to do but hang on and keep filming!
You can’t see the other stuffy plushy fwens in the video but off screen Syd was squawking in fear and excitement the whole time, excited to be flying but scared because we were so high up. During the ride, Mr Bigalow was bouncing around on hys chain. And Sippy was holding on for dear life in their holster. It was so cute to see all of them so excited and happy. TooToo, Syd, Sippy, Mr Bigalow and I were so proud to had braved the ride. At the end we could say we all enjoyed the experience. All the anxious feelings leading up to the moment the ride started were worth experiencing. The ride ended with us wanting to ride again. Good thing we recorded TooToo flying so we can relive the experience when we watch it because I just realized…. Our Penguin Ambassador Fwens were definitely not tall enough to ride the ride! Whooooa! Maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t try to ride it again. 😅🐧🎢
Today thanks to Misko_the_penguin on Instagram, I learned about another Antarctic organization doing good for penguins!
The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust!
Their home page states “We preserve historic buildings and artefacts in Antarctica to help current and future generations discover, understand, value and protect this precious wilderness. At Port Lockroy, Base A, we welcome visitors throughout the Austral summer to explore the Museum, visit the most southerly Post Office, observe the penguin colony and share the wonders of the white continent’s history. Along with our ambitious arts, education and events programme, we bring together people from around the world to learn about Antarctica’s past, present and future.”
Your adoption will support the monitoring of the colony and conservation on site at Port Lockroy. With your help, we can protect areas of the island from human interaction and continue studying the breeding success of the gentoos every year. As a charity we are dependent on donations and every gift, adoption and membership helps to support our activity both in Antarctica and around the world.
• 12-month adoption
• Gentoo postcard sent from Antarctica
• Gentoo cuddly toy
• Fascinating fact booklet and welcome pack
• Adoption certificate
• Gentoo updates from Port Lockroy
Of course you can help by by also joining their cause, donating, or purchasing items in their shop!
Some time ago my wife showed me a job posting for the Penguin Post Office. We entertained the idea of me working or volunteering there as it would be a way for me to work with penguins… Well penguins around me at least. My wife is guilty of being supportive of my penguin obsession to a fault. Now I’m in the process of interviewing to become a volunteer at the Birch Aquarium! And guess what the Birch Aquarium at Scripps has!!! Little Blue Penguins!!! Although three exhibit is not open yet, it will be very very soon! I’m so excited! But I digress!…
It seems UK Antarctic Heritage Trust does many sciencey helpful things for penguins and Antarctica! From penguin surveys, to podcast educating, and even restoring artifacts! I’m really looking forward to taking advantage of the media they provide about the organization! Yay! I finally have a podcast I’m looking forward to listening to!
I’ll be featuring both the UK ANTARCTIC HERITAGE TRUST and BIRCH AQUARIUM on our Be a Hero page.
Meet Bumble! Can you believe we made this cutie? You can too! Instructions below.
I made a new penguin friend! Can you guess who?…. Well I suppose thre least picture gives it away. Meet Bumble! We literally made Bumble! The pompom balls and everything came in a kit but I think you can make a Bumble of your own with a visit to the craft store! Items I suggest to make a Bumble.
-1 pompom color white (or the color if your choosing) , slightly bigger than a goofball -1 pompom white (or the color if your choosing), smaller than the 1st pompom -1 pompom black (or the color if your choosing) same size as the smaller pompom -Hot glue gun and glue – 1 black felt sheet for flippers -2 googly eyes – optional Key chain attachment – optional other decorations like, orange felt for feet, clothing etc.
Instructions If you want to make it look like Bumble: Cut smaller white and black pompoms in a shape to make the top and bottom portion of the penguin head half. I suggest cutting the black slightly pointed and white with a pointed hole for the front of the penguin face. Alternatively you can leave the head one color. Glue the two halves as appropriate to make the head. Cut out in the felt sheet a beak, flippers (in a tear drop or long oval), and feet if you wish. Carefully glue together the large and small pompom, and all the felt as appropriate. Don’t forget the giggly eyes too! Once all glued, glue the key chain attachment where you find suitable. I took a pin, bent it to firm a U, placed the keychain end into the U shaped pin. Then placed the pin ends into Bubbles head. Then glued extra over three pin and first chain on Bubbles head for extra security. And there you have it! A Bumble of your own! Wow. I’ve been really into B names lately. I almost gave the Pengie Hat a B name but I think we’re gonna call it Pikalo or Pikalolo. Not sure why. Lol. Anyways, I wish I could give you a link to the exact kit, but I haven’t found one. I got the kit years ago and don’t think it’s produced anymore. However, a search for “penguin key chain crafts” rendered awesome projects!
Every Tuesday Surrounded By Penguins does a morning beach walk to pick up liter on a beach within the San Diego, California County. Near or far, wherever you are. We believe a little help does a penguin good.
So far these event have been private due to safety concerns. Recently, the Executive Penguin posted about picking up broken glass and tar on a beach in the area. Some of that post is as follows.
I’ve been hesitant to open #trashytuesdays to the public but I’m realizing no matter what it’ll never be as safe as we wish we could make it. There’s still some tar on the beaches, broken glass and other hazards, but all the more reason to continue… Starting next week, I’m gonna open up Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesdays Beach Clean Up in hopes that we remember, even amongst all the trash, we’re still surrounded by love and beauty. Now remember that proceeds from sales at do go towards funding the beach clean ups so if you wanna help but can’t make it there are other ways you can assist. 1) Pick up a piece or 2 of liter every Trashy Tuesday 2) Contribute to Surrounded By Penguins by purchasing SBP merch 3) How else can you help the penguins near and far? Comment below. Be sure to post about your own liter picking for Trashy Tuesdays!
This Tuesday, Sippy with hys new vest will be helping with the beach clean up. We can’t wait to see what hys flippers find!
Please refer to the calendar below for specifics to Surrounded By Penguins Trashy Tuesday and other events.
Seems like Sippy is already finding some trash to take out!